Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету
Английский язык
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перевидите 2 текста 1текст. durling his reign,STEFAN cel MARE fought lots of batles.he won most of them.once ft the beginning of stefan voda reign the turks defeated him.little remained of his army. weake and tired stefan voda came to the convent where his mother lived.he asked for shelter.his where mother aproapeched the door and said:my son,i think that you have returned with victory""no mother.the Turks defeated my army. the enemy is on my tracks. I hope to find shelter in your convent and gather my remaining forces. Then, I'll be ready to fight again".
" I can't give shelter to those who run away from the battlefield. go and defeat the enemy of our Motherland. Win the battle or die for your land. only then will I know that you are my son."
Stefan Voda went away. He gathered the remains of his army and finally defeated the Turks. The battle took place in Valea Alba.