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Английский язык
от rtyuioplkjhgf
Помогите с переводом Boys tend to play outside in large groups. Their groups have a leader who tells others what to do and how to do it. It is by giving orders that high status is achieved. Another way boys achieve status is to take center stage by telling stories and jokes, and by challenging the stories and jokes of others. Boys’ games have winners and losers and have systems of rules that are frequently the subject of arguments. Boys are frequently heard to boast about their skills, likes, and possessions, and argue about who is best at what.
Girls, on the other hand, play in small groups or pairs. The center of a girl’s social life is her best friend. Within the group, intimacy is key. In their most frequent games, such as jump rope and hopscotch, everyone gets a turn. Many of their activities (such as playing with dolls) do not have winners or losers. Although some girls are certainly more skilled than others, girls are expected not to boast about it or show that they think they are better than the others. Girls don’t give orders: they express their preferences as suggestions, and suggestions are likely to be accepted. а