Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от rushaniya81

Choose the correct variant.( Выберите правильный вариант)

1. Jane met her friend Sam while she... to work.

a) walks

b) was walking

c) walked

2. When I... in the garden, it began to rain.

a) sat

b) was sitting

c) was sat

3. What … when I... last night?

a) were you doing, phoned

b) were you doing, was phoning

c) did you do, phoned

4. Mary … home when she... her wallet.

a) was running, was losing

b) was running, lost

c) run, lost

5. What … when you came home yesterday? - They … in their room.

a) did children do, played

b) did children, were playing

c) were children doing, were playing

6. Simon … his arm while we …. football.

a) was breaking, were playing

b) was breaking, played

c) broke, were playing

7. He didn't see me when I … into the room. He … at that moment.

a) came, read

b) was coming, was reading

c) came, was reading

8. We (not/watch) ... the television at 9 o'clock last night, we (have) … dinner.

a) were not watching, were having

b) didn't watch, were having

c) were not watching, had

9. A: Good morning, Catherine. A special guest … to our hotel today.

a) comes

b) is coming

c) will come

10. We … very busy now. We … a very important question.

a) are, are discussing

b) are, discuss

c) are being, are discussing

11. Where … Susan? - She … in the library at the moment.

a) is, works

b) is, is working

c) is, has been working

12. Look! Somebody … across the river.

a) swims

b) is swimming

c) swam

13. My friend … now. He … television.

a) doesn't sleep, is watching

b) isn't sleeping, is watching

c) doesn't sleep, doesn't watch

14. …. a very important problem at the moment?

a) Are they discussing

b) Do they discuss

c) Are they discuss

15. A: Can you come over to me on Friday? B: Sorry, I'd love to, but I... for Paris tomorrow.

a) leave

b) am leaving

c) will leave

16. Where’s Robert? ...... a shower?

a) Is he having

b) Does he have

c) Has he got

17. Where is Peter? … … his English lesson now?

a) Is he having

b) Does he have

c) Has he

18. A: As your leader I'll tell you about our future excursions. We... by tram at nine

in the morning and coming back at about seven.

a) shall be leaving

b) shall leave

c) shall have been leaving

19. What... you... at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon?

a) would... do

b) were... do

c) will... be doing

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан SmilySun
    1. b
    2. b
    3. a 
    4. b
    5. c
    6. c 
    7. с
    9.  b
    10. a
    11. b
    12. b
    13. b 
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