Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от лим0н

Read the text and put the paragraphs 1-5 into the correct order.
1)The four thieves who had painting didn't know how much it cost The first art expert who came to see the pamting said it was priceless and couldn't name the exact price.
2) Many stolen paintings have a strange history But one of the strangesn was that of a painting by he famous 16th century painter Bruegel. stolen from the Courtauld Institute in London in the 1980s
3) The gang relephoned another art expert who told them that the painting cost about 3 million They then tried to sell the painting back to the gallery from which it had been stolen.
4) A short lime later the four were arrested. The police found the painting on top gang were told they were arrested in connection with Bruegel one of them saie What is a Bruegel? I hought was rubbish was arranged The gang asked for the money to be
5)The gallery contacted the police and a meeting brought in rio suincases in unmarked banknotes. However, meeting didn't take place.
Заранее огромное спасибо!!!

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан mazais9595
    2); 1); 3); 5); 4); - вроде так)
  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny
    2) Many stolen paintings have a strange history But one of the strangesn was that of a painting by he famous 16th century painter Bruegel. stolen from the Courtauld Institute in London in the 1980s
    1)The four thieves who had painting didn't know how much it cost The first art expert who came to see the pamting said it was priceless and couldn't name the exact price.
    3) The gang relephoned another art expert who told them that the painting cost about 3 million They then tried to sell the painting back to the gallery from which it had been stolen.
    5)The gallery contacted the police and a meeting brought in rio suincases in unmarked banknotes. However, meeting didn't take place.
    4) A short lime later the four were arrested. The police found the painting on top gang were told they were arrested in connection with Bruegel one of them saie What is a Bruegel? I hought was rubbish was arranged The gang asked for the money to be.
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