Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от boryatamilin

I. Write these sentences putting the verbs into the past
1 I __________________ some new clothes last week. (buy)
2 What time __________________ last night? (they come)
3 I __________________ his question. (not understand)
4 I __________________ he was wrong. (think)
5 __________________ a lot at the party? (you eat)
6 I __________________ he bus this morning. (not catch)
7 I __________________ my keys yesterday. (forget)
8 ____________
______ you about the meeting? (they tell)
9 Peter __________________ the washing-up last night. (do)
10 They __________________ anything at the disco. (not drink)

II. Write the correct form of the present perfect to complete these sentences.
1 __________________ to Rome? (you ever be)
2 __________________ this film before. (I see)
3 __________________ in an office. (she never work)
4 __________________ in an aeroplane. (I never be)
5 __________________ to Germany? (he ever be)
6 __________________ my parents? (you met)
7 __________________ in the theatre? (you ever work)
8 __________________ to all the capital cities of Europe. (she be)
9 __________________ this book. (I read)
10 __________________ that new film about aliens? (you see)

III. Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the present perfect or past simple.
1 I ______________________ (read) that book three times.
2 She ______________________ (go) home three days ago.
3 I ______________________ (meet) Mr and Mrs Shelley.
4 She______________________ (start) school in 1984.
5 I ______________________ (leave) the office early last night.
6 He______________________ (see) the film before.
7 _________________ (you be) ________________ to Austria?
8 _________________ (you see) _________________ the film on TV last night?
9 When _________________ (you arrive) _________________ in London?
10 John______________________ (be) to Germany before.
11 _________________ (you read) _________________ this book before?
12 I ______________________ (not see) him yesterday.
13 I______________ never______________ (go) anywhere by plane until now.
14 _______________ (you hear) ___________ their new record? It's the best they've ever made.
15 I ______________________ (not know) about the disco last night.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Leyla1111111
    I bought some new clothes last week.
    What time did they come last night?
    I did not understand this question.
    I thought he was wrong.
    Did you eat a lot at the party?
    I did not catch he bus this morning
    I forgot my keys yesterday.
    Did they tell you about the meeting?
    Peter did the washing- up last night.
    They did not drink anything at the disco.

    second part.
    1. Have you ever been to Rome?
    2.I have seen this film before.
    3.She has never worked in an office.
    4.I have never been in an aeroplane.
    5.Has he ever been to Germany?
    6.Have you met my parents?
    7.Have you ever worked in the theatre?
    8.She has been to all the capital cities of Europe.
    9.I have read this book.
    10.Have you seen that new film about aliens.

    1. I read that book three times.
    2.She went home three days ago.
    3.I met Mr and Mrs Shelley.
    4.She stared school in 1984.
    5.I left the office early last night.
    6.He has seen the film before.
    7.Have you been to Austria?
    8.Did you see the film on Tv last night?
    9.When did you arrive in London?
    10.John has been to Germany before?
    11.Have you read this book before?
    12.I did not see him yesterday.
    13.I have never gone anywhere by plane until now.
    14.Have you heard their new recprd? It is best they've ever made.
    15.I did not about the discco last night.
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса 1. укажите личное местоимение: 1) некто 2) вас 3) ни с кем 4) собой 2. укажите относительное местоимение: 1) кто-либо 2) некоторый 3) кто 4) нам 3. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) кем-нибудь 2) кем 3) себе 4) никакой 4. укажите определительное местоимение: 1) наш 2) который 3) некий 4) каждый 5. укажите возвратное местоимение: 1) свой 2) чей 3) сам 4) себя 6. найдите указательное местоимение: 1) твой 2) какой 3) тот 4) их 7. найдите притяжательное местоимение: 1) самый 2) моего 3) иной 4) ничей 8. укажите неопределённое местоимение: 1) весь 2) какой-нибудь 3) любой 4) этот 9. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) сколько 2) кое-что 3) она 4) нами 10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением? 1) увидел их 2) её нет дома 3) её тетрадь 4) их не спросили


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