Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от kingswag

как интернет изменил современное общество

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан galina572319


    How the Internet has changed modern society.

    The role of the Internet in modern society is an important one. Internet addiction is one of the main problems of modern society, as the Internet in the modern world has a great impact on people. So just seven years ago, the presence of a computer in the family was not required, but now the opposite is true – the presence of a computer and the Internet is the standard that must be followed. A large amount of information, high speed of life processes and the constant growth of requirements for the General level of knowledge obliges a person to a constantly turn to reliable and comprehensive sources of information that the Internet can provide us. Thus, the Internet is a large encyclopedia, which contains the knowledge of many people.

    In recent years, a huge popularity is gaining social networks to communicate. Of course, communication in the virtual space has both positive and negative sides. The advantages include the possibility of so-called contactless communication, in other words, the Internet allows you to interact with any person, no matter where on earth he was not. The opportunity to discover something new when communicating with a person from another country, thereby penetrate into the culture of other countries and peoples. Communication on the Internet gives a person the opportunity to realize themselves in anything, and also allows people with disabilities to get a full education and find a job. Modern business is very actively interacting and using the possibilities of the Internet.

    The reverse side of communication in social networks is the emergence of Internet addiction due to uncontrolled "sitting" on the network, and it is exposed not only to young people who spend most of their time on the pages of the social network Facebook, communicating with their peers, but also quite adults. The Internet deprives a person of the need to think actively, as well as to think logically. But really why, if almost any question can be found on the Internet through a search engine. Over time, it may happen that children will ask the search engine "how Many will be twice two?"instead of thinking or calculating.  Summing up we can say that the Internet in the life of modern man is a tool that helps in work, communication and leisure. With the help of the Internet you can make purchases, communicate with loved ones, as well as with those who are thousands of kilometers away from you, be aware of the latest news and events in the country and the world. But the most important thing is to clearly understand and share virtual and real life. And also it is necessary to remember that communication on the Internet will never replace live communication.

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