Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от vyglovskaya2013

Complete each sentence in Reported Speech.

Model: Let me help you.

My friend offered to help me.

“Why don’t we go for a walk?”

She suggested …… .

“I wasn’t anywhere near the scene of the crime.”

The accused claimed …… .

“We lived in Chicago two years ago. My father worked there.”

My friend said …… .

“The swallows return every spring and fly past my window.”

She explained …… .

“Can you answer the phone? I’m having a shower!”

He asked his son …… .

“I gave you my homework last week.”

The boy insisted …… .

“Could you come and pick me up from school today, dad?”

Billy asked …… .

“If I were you I wouldn’t drink so much.”

He advised his friend …… .

“I won’t help you because you didn’t help me.”

a) Joan said …… .

b) Joan refused …… .

“I’ll bring it back tomorrow.”

a) He said …… .

b) He promised ……

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny
    She suggested going for a walk.
    The accused claimed hadn’t been anywhere near the scene of the crime.
    My friend said that they had lived in Chicago two years before and that his father had worked there.
    She explained that the swallows returned every spring and flew past her window.
    He asked his son to answer the phone because he was having a shower.
    The boy insisted on having given them his homework the previous week.
    Billy asked his father if he could come and pick him up from school that day.
    He advised his friend not to drink very much.
    a) Joan said that she won’t help them because they hadn't helped her.
    b) Joan refused to help them because they hadn't helped her.
    a) He said that he would bring it back  the next day.
    b) He promised to bring it back the next day.
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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