Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Рухия

Помогите пожалуйста! Срочно! Нужно написать сочинение на английском языке на тему "will there still be schools and teachers in the future?" "Будут ли еще школы и учителя в будущем?". Заранее спасибо!

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан ImSoHappy
    Essay: Will there still be schools and teachers in the future? Scientists predicted that in 40 years there will be no schools nor teachers. They claimed that in the society of the future both schools and teachers will cease to exist due to the advancement of technology, we won't need to attend school because we could study at our own home using a computer interface that allow us to chat with our classmates and be thought by a virtual teachers from a program. This kind of system is definitely applicable, however whether it has more benefits or more drawback than the ordinary school system is highly questionable. On one hand, The scientists are confident the students will be able to study much more effectively with the virtual school system. The students won't need to travel to their schools anymore and waste lots of energy in the process. Studying from home will most likely be more comfortable, the students will have more time to spend with their family daily and won't go through a tough schedule. The virtual teachers itself will be much more intelligent and could teach with the most suitable ways for the students. Furthermore, the cost of education will decrease because there are no school buildings and highly educated teachers. On the other hand, lots of people doubts the virtual system will be effective and artificial intelligence could replace a human being as a teacher. In the virtual system the students won't have a great social interaction ability because they study individually. In addition, directly chatting with classmates are much better and the competition between students wouldn't have disappear in the normal school.The human teacher would be able to understand the students better because humans have feelings while programs or computers doesn't. In conclusion, there will still be schools and teachers in the future. Although virtual studying is possible it simply couldn't replace the ordinary school system. Students will be best at school with their friends and real teachers. Artificial intelligence could probably teach in different ways but the human ways of teaching are irreplaceable.
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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