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Английский язык
от Asya23021999
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Much of the processing computers can be divided into
two general types of operation. Arithmetic operations
are computations with numbers such as addition, subtraction,
and other mathematical procedures. Early computers
performed mostly arithmetic operations, which
gave the false impression that only engineers and scientists
could benefit from computers. Of equal importance
is the computers ability to compare two values to determine
if one is larger than, smaller than, or equal to the
other. This is called a logical operation. The comparison
may take place between numbers, letters, sounds, or even
drawings. The processing of the computer is based on
the computer's ability to perform logical and arithmetic
Instructions must be given to the computer to tell it
how to process the data it receives and the format needed
for output and storage. The ability to follow the program
sets computers apart from most tools . However,- new
tools ranging from typewriters to microwave ovens have
embedded computers, or built-in computers. An embedded
computer can accept data to use several options in it's
program, but the program itself cannot be changed. This
makes these devices flexible and convenient but not the
embedded computers itself.