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Английский язык
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Заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими словами:
Shaves, get, about, breakfast, to, bath, blankets, does, cold, usually
When the morning is __ Hob __ not like to __ out of bed. He likes __ lie there, and pull the __ round him. Mr. Priestley __ has a cold __, and then he __ and goes down to __ at __ eight o'clock.
Скажите, к какой части речи принадлежат выделенные кавычками слова, и обоснуйте свой ответ:
1. The boy "springs" into the water. 2. I like "spring" weather. 3. Hob does not work very "hard". 4. Frieda is a "hard" worker. 5. The boy did not "copy" my work. 6. I should like a "copy" of this poem. 7. Pass me a "paint" brush. 8. I am going to "paint".