Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от h2624276

 Вставьте слова series, glasses, means, species, scissors, shorts в нужной форме.
1. His eyesight is very poor. He needs ... .
 2. ... is a group of animals or plants.
3. Football players don’t wear trousers when they play. They wear ... .
4. The bicycle is ... of transport.
5. The car and the bicycle are ... of transport.
6. When you want to cut a piece of fabric you need ....
 7. This author is writing ... of articles for the local newspaper.
8. There are a lot of TV ... shown on our television.
 9. We saw many different... of birds in the forest.
Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1. Where does / do vour family live?
2. The trousers you bought for me doesn’t / don’t fit me.
 3. The police want / wants to catch two criminals.
 4. Physics was / were mv favourite subject at school.
 5. May I take your scissors? Mine isn’t / aren’t sharp enough.
 6. The news wasn’t / weren’t as bad as we expected.
 7. Gymnastics is /are mv favourite sport.
 8. Five days isn’t / aren’t lone enough for a good holiday.
9. I can’t find my glasses. Maybe you know where it is / they are?
10. The people in that city is / are very friendly.
11. Does / Do the police know how the road accident happened?
12. I don’t like very cold weather. Minus 10 degrees is / are too cold for me.
  Исправьте ошибки (если они есть).
1. The government want to increase taxes.
2. Jenny is wearing a black jeans today.
3. Russia are playing England in a football match next week.
 4. i like Joe and Nora. They’re very nice persons.
About Myself 73
5 .i need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds aren’t enough.
6. I’m going to buy a new pajamas.
 7. The committee haven’t made a decision yet.
8. There was a police directing traffic in the street.
9. What is the police going to do?
10. This scissors isn’t very sharp

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан MaryFairy211


    1. glasses

    2. A species

    3. shorts

    4. a means

    5. means

    6. scissors

    7. a series

    8. series

    9. species


    1. does

    2. don't

    3. want

    4. was

    5. aren't

    6. wasn't

    7. is

    8. isn't

    9. they are

    10. are very friendly

    11. do

    12. is


    1. The government wants to increase taxes.  

    2. Jenny is wearing _ black jeans today.  

    3. Russia is playing with England in a football match next week.

    4. I like Joe and Nora. They’re very nice people.

    5. I need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds isn’t enough.  

    6. I’m going to buy _ new pajamas.

    7. The committee hasn’t made a decision yet.  

    8. There was a policeman directing traffic in the street.  

    9. What are the police going to do?  

    10. These scissors aren’t very sharp.

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