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Английский язык
от inaradmitriche
Test 3. Is it easy to live apart from the family?
1 Variant 1
Al. Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.
i) class a. -ing
2) understand b. -mate
3) impress с -ion
4) relation d. -ship
A2. Choose the appropriate word.
Susan decided to become a.
1) novel 3) novelist
2) novella 4) novelette
A3. Choose the correct words to make the tag question.
He wore his new suit yesterday,. ?
1) doesn't he 3) didn't he
2) hadn't he 4) isn't he
A4. Choose the correct form of the verb.
Sam. to talk to anyone and went straight to his room
1) wanted
2) hadn't wants
3) doesn't want
4) didn't want