Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 11234566

V. Complete the sentences using a second or a third conditional.

1. If America _____ (reduce) its trade deficit, the dollar _______ (go up).
2. I couldn’t find the restaurant. If you _____ (not/ explain) where the restaurant was, I _____ (not/ find) it.
3. If I ____ (get) a new job, I _____ (have to) move to London.
4. If we ____ (order) 1,000 pieces, they _____ (give) us a discount.
5. If you ____ (work) for an American company, your salary _____ (be) better, but perhaps ______ (not/ be) so secure.
6. If you _____ (be) at the conference, you ______ (hear) Christine’s talk. But you weren’t.
7. We _____ (give) you a better price if you _____ (increase) your order.
8. We lost a lot of money. If we ____ (know) about their financial problems, we _____ (not/ invest) in the company.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Englishman14

    1. If America _____ (reduces) its trade deficit, the dollar _______ (will go up).
    2. I couldn’t find the restaurant. If you _____ (did not explain) where the restaurant was, I _____ (would not find) it.
    3. If I ____ (get) a new job, I _____ (will have to) move to London.
    4. If we ____ (order) 1,000 pieces, they _____ (will give) us a discount.
    5. If you ____ (work) for an American company, your salary _____ (will be) better, but perhaps ______ (will be not) so secure.
    6. If you _____ (were) at the conference, you ______ (would hear) Christine’s talk. But you weren’t.
    7. We _____ (will give) you a better price if you _____ (increase) your order.
    8. We lost a lot of money. If we ____ (had know) about their financial problems, we _____ (would invest) in the company.
    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан 11234566
      в скобочках вы дали правильный ответ??
  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny
    1. If America _____ (reduced) its trade deficit, the dollar _______ (would go up).
    2. I couldn’t find the restaurant. If you _____ (had not/ explained) where the restaurant was, I _____ (would not have  found) it.
    3. If I ____ (got) a new job, I _____ (would have to) move to London.
    4. If we ____ (ordered) 1,000 pieces, they _____ (would give) us a discount.
    5. If you ____ (worked) for an American company, your salary _____ (would be) better, but perhaps ______ (would not/ be) so secure.
    6. If you _____ (had been) at the conference, you ______ (would have heard) Christine’s talk. But you weren’t.
    7. We _____ (would give) you a better price if you _____ (increased) your order.
    8. We lost a lot of money. If we ____ (had known) about their financial problems, we _____ (would not have invested) in the company.
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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