Добрые человеки,я с английским совсем не лады,а скоро сессия...Т__Т
1. В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово,которое не рифмуется с другим.
main, say, they, dine
moon, rule, spoon, book
brown, sound, out, know
work, girl, fur, walk
2. Заполните пропуски и перевидите предложения на рус. яз
1) Have your get (...) friends here?
a - any b - some
2) (...) students prepare their lessons here.
a - some b - any
3) Is there (...) here?
a - somebody b - anybody
4) (...) has happened to him.
a - anything b - anybody
5) You may take (...) book from the shell.
a - some b - any