Переведите, пожалуйста на английский язык
Pete: So, is the party going well?
Pete: Is the party going well?
It sounds as if everyone's having a great time.
Tess: Yeah, it's absolutely brilliant
Pete: Well, a party for a gang of ten-year-olds isn't my idea of a good time. Are you all wearing costimes?
Tess: Yes. I'm wearing my witch costime and Chris is wearing his Frankenstein costime.
Pete: Oh, he's not wearing that old thing again!
Tess: Yeah, and he's terrifying everyone.
Pete: What kind of games are you playing?Are you bobbing for apples?
Tess: No. We're playing musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey. It's great fun
Pete: What about food? What are you eating?
Tess:Well, I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples, and the kids are really enjoying them so they're nearly all gone.
Pete: Oh, keep me one,please!
Tess:OK! Are you doing anything at the moment?
Pete:No, not really.
Tess: Well, why don't you come over and help yourself to some toffee apples?The party is nearly over anyway. Then, you can help me clean up?
Pete: I would do anything for a toffee apple! See you in ten minutes.