Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Orbit1White

Fill in the gaps using phrases from the box. There are two phrases you do not need to use.
Words: save natural resources, a waste of time , are used to, get rid of, get used to, throw the, packaging away, is prohibited, clear the litter away.
1. I dont think it is possible to repair this bicycle. It is______ . We ll buy you a new one
2. we can not climb the mountain with these huge rucksacks. ______ all the things which are not essential
3. Life in the country differs from city life. we get up early. you will ____ it too
4. This part of the park is for picnics and sports only. It ______ to walk dogs here
5. no it doesnt feel cold at all. we ____ this kind of weather ans cold weather is not a reason to stay indoors.
6. Using less packaging is a good way to _____ and reduce pollition.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny
    1. I dont think it is possible to repair this bicycle. It is a waste of time. We'll buy you a new one.
    2. We can not climb the mountain with these huge rucksacks.
    Let's get rid of all the things which are not essential.
    3. Life in the country differs from city life. We get up early. You will
    get used to it, too.
    4. This part of the park is for picnics and sports only. It
    is prohibited to walk dogs here
    5. No, it doesnt feel cold at all. We
    are used to this kind of weather and cold weather is not a reason to stay indoors.
    6. Using less packaging is a good way to
    save natural resources and reduce pollition.
    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан Orbit1White
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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