Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от alekschernov2

Образуйте из этих предложений косвенную речь.

1) She said to him, "Close the window".
2) She said to him, "Come at five o'clock."
3) He asked us, "Do you want to see a new film?"
4) She asked us, "Will you drink a cup of coffee?"
5) She said, "I'm terribly cold".
6) Each time he received the answer, "No, we haven't vacant rooms tonight".
7) At last he receieved a different reply, "We have a room empty but it has been reserved".
8) Then the man added, "It is half past twelve and they have not arrived, you may have the room".
9) He said, "I met Peter when I was in the library".
10) He said to us, "Shall we change the plan a little bit?"
11) Father said, "I can stay at home and work in the garden".
12) Mother said, "I don't care for fishing."
13) Mother said, "I'll arrange everything for the trip".
14) The girls said, "We will help you to wash up."
15) She said, "How long does it take you to get to the University?"

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Juliyasha11

    1) She told him to close the window.

    2) She told him to come at five o'clock.

    3) He asked us if we wanted to see a new film.

    4) She asked us if we drank a cup of coffee.

    5) She said she was terribly cold.

    6) Each time he received the answer and it was written that they didn’t have vacant rooms that night.

    7) At last he receieved a different reply it was written that they had a room empty but it had been reserved.

    8) Then the man added it was half past twelve and they had not arrived and he might have the room.

    9) He said he had met Peter when he had been in the library.

    10) He asked us if we should change the plan a little bit.

    11) Father said he could stay at home and work in the garden.

    12) Mother said she didn’t care for fishing.

    13) Mother said she would arrange everything for the trip.

    14) The girls said they would help me to wash up.

    15) She wondered how long it took me to get to the University.

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Русский язык - 4 года назад

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