Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Sirazovadina5299

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  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Eldar1001
    My future profession is a logistician. Why I chose this specialty, I believe that this profession is very interesting and in demand. In the Russian labor market, the logistics profession appeared not so long ago. But that's not the opinion this specialty becomes one of the profession of the century and is in great demand among employers. Specialty of the logisticist is in demand first of all in firms engaged in cargo transportation. In addition, they are needed by any manufacturing company. The history of the profession begins in the distant past. "Logistics" - the concept of ancient Greek, meaning literally "calculation, reflection." And in ancient Greece, and later in the Byzantine Empire, logistics was a way of organizing army supplies. Gradually, from the way of supplying the troops, the logistics passed "to a civil position". So, who are the same logisticians? In general, logistic is a person who must calculate the scheme that is most advantageous for the development of a particular project, and with savings wherever possible. Thus, the logistics manager must control all processes: purchase, supply, transportation, communication with the customs and state organization, packaging, sales. The profession of a logist is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is to a greater extent with the reception and processing of information. In the logist's work, the results of his intellectual reflection are important. But, at the same time, physical work is not ruled out. Logist should have inherent qualities such as dedication, prudence, organization, organization, pragmatism, responsibility, high organizational skills. But first of all the logisticist should be excellent negotiators. In addition, the specialist must actively use information technology in their activities, professionally use the necessary software. As already mentioned above, the main goal of a logistics operator is to save the company's money, Therefore, work on this specialty is not cheap valued and the demand for specialists in this field is growing.
    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан Sirazovadina5299
      Спасибо большое)))
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