Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от yulechkakovalo

1. Choose the right answer:
1. I wonder ………………………………………… to your taste on the menu.
a) if there is anything b) is there anything c) there is something

2. He had to take 4 exams, …..............................................?
a) did he b) didn't he c) hadn't he

3. Mr. Thomas couldn't ...................................................... that she was worried.
a) keep noticing b) noticing c) help noticing

4. We are having ……………………………. lovely weather now!
a) such b) such a c) so

5. There is ………………………………………….. a breath of air!
a) no b) neither c) hardly

6. Scarcely ………………………………… darkness fell.
a) they reached Plymouth than
b) had they reached Plymouth
c) they had reached Plymouth as when

7. English weather is worth ………………………. about.
a) we talk b) talking c) to talk

8. He'll make good progress if ………………………………………………..
a) he will work hard b) he is work hard c) he works hard

9. She wants Peter …………………………………….. her do the washing-up.
a) helping b) help c) to help

10. - Would you like tea or coffee?
- I ………………………… have some tea.
a) would rather b) had better c) am want to

11. How much did you pay for …………………………… dinner that you had at McDonald's yesterday?
a) a b) the c) –

12. When we were children, we ………………………………… Cowboys together.
a) used to play b) used to playing c) are used to playing
13. I like .................................... good, frosty, bright winter with plenty of snow.
a) - b) the с) а

14. He …………………………... take this exam again, doesn't he?
a) must b) have to c) has to

15. They suggested …………………………… for a ride in the city.
a) to go b) our going c) we must go

16. It looks like …………………….. .
a) raining b) rain с) а rain

17. I really have no idea when …………………………………., maybe tomorrow.
a) they will arrive b) they arrive c) will they arrive

18. Mother is very fond ........................................................... .
a) at knitting b) of knitting c) to knit

19. The policeman made the driver …………………………………. .
a) stop b) to stop c) stopping

20. The President …………………………………… on TV at the moment.
a) is being interviewed b) is interviewed c) interviews

21. Did he ……………………………….. you that he could play chess?
a) say b) speak c) tell

22. The castle ……………………………….. 800 years old.
a) is believed to be b) believed to be c) believes to be

23. She never gets up early. - ……………………………………………………..
a) So do I. b) Neither am I. c) Neither do I.

24. He felt ……………………………..., he had passed all the exams,
a) so happily b) so happy c) such happy

25. He warned them .................................................. the door unlocked,
a) not to leave b) don"t leave c) to leave not

26. I .......................................................... a moustache, but I shaved it off.
a) used to have b) used to having c) am used to having

27. ……………………………………. autumn of 1995 was very warm and sunny.
a) - b) a c) the

28. - I have a headache. - I think you …………………………….. take an aspirin.
a) may b) will c) should

29. He suggested ……………………………………….. a tour of Oslo.
a) to make b) making c) to her to make

30. It looked like ....................................................... when we arrived home.
a) snowing b) snow c) a snow

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny
    1. a) if there is anything
    2. b) didn't he
    3. c) help noticing
    4. a) such
    5. c) hardly
    6. b) had they reached Plymouth
    7. b) talking
    8. c) he works hard
    9. c) to help
    10. a) would rather
    11. b) the
    12. a) used to play
    13. с) а
    14. c) has to
    15. b) our going
    16. a) raining
    17. a) they will arrive
    18. b) of knitting
    19. a) stop
    20. a) is being interviewed
    21. c) tell
    22. a) is believed to be
    23. c) Neither do I.
    24. b) so happy
    25. a) not to leave
    26. a) used to have
    27. c) the
    28. c) should
    29. b) making
    30. a) snowing

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