Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от den20000007

Напишите 15 предложений как я провёл новый год с русского на английский

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан dashafox07021

    I like New Year's Day, it is my favourite holiday. The 1st of January is a winter holiday and now it is the first day of the New Year.

    Peter the First changed the Russian calendar in 1699. He made the 31st of December, 1699 the last day of the year. The first of January 1700 became New Year's Day.

    The 1st of January is in the middle of winter. The weather is usually fine and there is a lot of snow everywhere. As the 1st of January is a holiday I don't go to school and my parents don't go to work.

    We usually have got a very interesting New Year's party at school. We have got it on the 28th or 29th of December.

    Our family prepares for this holiday beforehand. My father buys and brings home a beautiful New Year's tree at the end of December. Our family has a tradition to buy it. I like to decorate the New Year's tree with toys, little coloured lights, sweets and a beautiful star on the top.

    My mother and grandmother prepare our holiday supper and lay the table. I make a cake.

    All the members of our family clean the flat before this nice holiday and then each of us try to dress well. We like to see the New Year in at home with our relatives. They come to see us at 11 o'clock in the evening.

    At 12 o'clock we are sitting at the table and we are glad to see the New Year in. We say, "Best wishes for the New Year!"

    I hope that next year will be better than the last one.

    The New Year's Day is always connected with our new hopes and dreams.

    It is a pleasant moment to get presents on the New Year's Eve.

    I usually get many nice useful things from my parents and relatives.

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