Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от skolwsnikowa

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  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан yevamykytiukp3r2dd

    Sport in My Life

    Sport has always been the essential part of a healthy mankind life. To my mind it helps us to keep our body strong, active and fit. And it also makes our personality disciplined, organized and optimistic. Fortunately sport is getting more popular in our country. Most people go to the gym several times a week, they are keen on jogging, playing football, hockey, volleyball, basketball or tennis. Quite a lot of people go regularly to swimming-pools, ski-centers and skating-rinks.

    It’s funny but there are some people who spend most of the time in front of TV watching football channels or figure-skating championships, for example. And they proudly call themselves devoted sportsmen. I think they are just passive amateurs and fans of some sports teams. And it goes without saying that watching sports events and doing sports are not the same things at all.

    As for me, I’ve been fond of sports activities since my childhood. To tell the truth I prefer team games because I like feeling support of my partners in such games. Volleyball is my favorite. You have to be fast and give unexpected balls to your competitors on the other side of the net. At school I was the captain of our volleyball team and we took part in our city matches. I enjoyed the atmosphere of competitions and the sweet taste of our victories. Sometimes we lost, of course, but we tried to accept our defeat with dignity. And now when summer comes we often play beach volleyball.

    I really can’t imagine my way of life without sport. I like regular training. It keeps my body healthy and young.

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