Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от 810962

She bought ________________ bread in the shop yesterday.

1) a lot
2) few
3) a few
4) some

We want to go to see ________________ .

1) he
2) your
3) his
4) him

She has done ________________ research on marine life.

1) few
2) many
3) a few
4) some

She ________________ before Mother came back.

1) left
2) was left
3) has left
4) had left

Must I describe the picture? No, you ________________ not.

1) may
2) need
3) must
4) can

I have not met ________________ sister.

1) me
2) its
3) him
4) his

All historical places of London ________________ in the West End.

1) had been
2) were
3) are
4) was

She ________________ in the garden when I came.

1) were working
2) works
3) had worked
4) work

You must have as ________________ sugar as possible. It’s bad for you.

1) a little
2) little
3) few
4) a few

When the phone rang I ________________ a bath.

1) have been had
2) was having
3) had been having
4) had

I'll give the book back as soon as he ________________ it.

1) want
2) doesn't want
3) will want
4) wants

When are you ________________ to do this task?

1) are finishing
2) finished
3) finish
4) finishing

Who ________________ you my new phone number?

1) have given
2) give
3) gave
4) gives

What is ________________ father?

1) me
2) hers
3) his
4) them

You ________________ work hard at your English if you want to know it.

1) can
2) must
3) need
4) may

Your watch ________________ 2 minutes fast, it's 12 o'clock now.
Выберите один ответ.
1) was
2) is
3) are
4) were

He said he ________________ in Moscow all his life.

1) lives
2) lived
3) had lived
4) has lived

Could I have ________________ salt?

1) any
2) some
3) an
4) a

We usually drink ________________ water in hot weather.

1) a lot of
2) few
3) little
4) many

________________ women over there all speak Chinese.

1) these
2) that
3) those
4) this

I had a feeling that somebody ________________ there before.

1) was
2) has been
3) had been
4) is

Your hair ________________ beautiful today.

1) are looking
2) looks
3) is looking
4) look

Everybody wants to know if you ________________ his bride.

1) was
2) are
3) is
4) had been

Are there ________________ mistakes in this sentence?

1) no
2) a bit
3) some
4) any

We ________________ to stay at home because it was raining.

1) were able to
2) must
3) had
4) could

________________ daughter is seven years old.

1) him
2) hers
3) he
4) his
According to the rules of the library you ________________ keep the books for fortnight.

1) must
2) need
3) may
4) needn’t

We have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you ________________ be on time.

1) will
2) can
3) would
4) must

I would like some grapes for dessert. Will you buy ________________ ?

1) them
2) they
3) its
4) it

I wonder what time ________________ now.

1) it is
2) is it
3) it has been
4) it was

The letter ________________ sent tomorrow.

1) has
2)will be
3) am
4) does

There are not ________________ conveniences in the house.

1) no
2) any
3) much
4) some

Take your umbrella. It ________________.

1) rained
2) rain
3) is raining
4) rains

What magazine ________________ you looking through when we came into the hall?

1) were
2) do
3) are
4) did

She usually ________________ all materials herself.

1) types
2) will type
3) type
4) is typing

I ________________ you for five years.

1) didn't see
2) don't see
3) haven't seen
4) doesn't see

I can't see ________________ .

1) their
2) they
3) them
4) theirs

Can you tell me how far ________________ ? I can't walk.

1) it was
2) was it
3) it is
4) is it

________________ books are thin.

1) that
2) this
3) thus
4) these

If I ________________ money I'll buy the book.

1) would have
2) have
3) had
4) will have

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан MaryFairy211
    1. She bought a lot of bread in the shop yesterday.
    2. We want to go to see him.
    3. She has done some research on marine life.
    4. She had left before Mother came back.
    5. Must I describe the picture? No, you need not.
    6. I have not met his sister.
    7. All historical places of London are in the West End.
    8. She had worked in the garden when I came.
    9. You must have as little sugar as possible. It’s bad for you.
    10. When the phone rang I was having a bath.
    11. I'll give the book back as soon as he wants it.
    12. When are you finishing to do this task?
    13. Who gave you my new phone number?
    14. What is his father?
    15. You must work hard at your English if you want to know it.
    16. Your watch is 2 minutes fast, it's 12 o'clock now.
    17. He said he had lived in Moscow all his life.
    18. Could I have some salt?
    19. We usually drink a lot of water in hot weather.
    20. Those women over there all speak Chinese.
    21. I had a feeling that somebody had been there before.
    22. Your hair looks beautiful today.
    23. Everybody wants to know if you are his bride.
    24. Are there any mistakes in this sentence?
    25. We had to stay at home because it was raining.
    26. His daughter is seven years old.
    27. According to the rules of the library you may keep the books for fortnight.
    28. We have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you must be on time.
    29. I would like some grapes for dessert. Will you buy them?
    30. I wonder what time it is now.
    31. The letter will be sent tomorrow.
    32. There are not any conveniences in the house.
    33. Take your umbrella. It is raining.
    34. What magazine were you looking through when we came into the hall?
    35. She usually types all materials herself.
    36. I haven't seen you for five years.
    37. I can't see them .
    38. Can you tell me how far it is? I can't walk.
    39. These books are thin.
    40. If I have money I'll buy the book.

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