Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от yuttaprovozina

Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. The first Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece.
2. Both men and women took part in the Games at that time.
3.The men wore no clothes because of the hot weather.
4.The Olympic Games have been held every four yeare since 776 BC.
5.The programme of the modern Olympic Games consists of running, jumping, wrestling, throwing the discbs and throwing the javelin.
6.The Olympic Games are held every four years. There were only two exceptions because of earthquakes.
7.The Winter Olympics have been hosted in various countries on three continents.
8. The USA and France have hosted the Games several times.
9. Sochi was the first Russian city to host the Winter Olympics.
10.The Winter Olympics have never been held in Russia before.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан arnauldlionel23
    1. The first Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece. True
    2. Both men and women took part in the Games at that time. False, Only Men.
    3.The men wore no clothes because of the hot weather. False, for many reason it's better to fight without clothes, it show the beauty of the body.
    4.The Olympic Games have been held every four years since 776 BC. True
    5.The programme of the modern Olympic Games consists of running, jumping, wrestling, throwing the discs and throwing the javelin. False, many other disciplines.
    6.The Olympic Games are held every four years. There were only two exceptions because of earthquakes. True
    7.The Winter Olympics have been hosted in various countries on three continents. True
    8. The USA and France have hosted the Games several times. True
    9. Sochi was the first Russian city to host the Winter Olympics. True
    10.The Winter Olympics have never been held in Russia before. True

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан galina572319


    1. The first Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece. True

    2. Both men and women took part in the Games at that time. False, Only Men.

    3. The men wore no clothes because of the hot weather. False, for many reasons they did it:  it's better to fight without clothes, it shows the beauty of the body.

    4. The Olympic Games have been held every four years since 776 BC. True

       (But there were  two exceptions because of wars)

    5. The programme of the modern Olympic Games consists of running, jumping, wrestling, throwing the discs and throwing the javelin. False, there are dozens of other modern disciplines/events .

    6. The Olympic Games are held every four years. There were only two exceptions because of earthquakes. False. The games didn't take place during the First World War  and the Second World War.

    7. The Winter Olympics have been hosted in various countries on three continents. True

    8. The USA and France have hosted the Games several times. True  Америка была хозяйкой Олимпийских игр уже 9 раз:  Франция была хозяйкой Олимпийских игр 5 раз:  

    В 2024 году Париж вновь примет Олимпийские игры

    9. Sochi was the first Russian city to host the Winter Olympics. True

    10.The Winter Olympics have never been held in Russia before. True

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