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    Ответ на вопрос дан karcatmeow
    Pros of Travel

    Travel lets us escape the everyday trivialities we encounter in our daily lives. Whether it’s a boring job, stressful period in your life, relationship woes, the need to ‘get away’ from everything or just wanting a change of scenery, travelling can provide a much needed break from all these problems. Travelling is an especially good form of escapism as it provides the ability to trade in whatever is making you unhappy for something new and exciting. You may find that just being far away from an issue allows you to view the situation from a new perspective.

    Learning experience

    Seeing other parts of this massive earth we live on and experiencing different cultures is an amazing and eye-opening experience, often leading to you learning things you could have never imagined you would. Travelling has the capability of making you more aware of not only the world you live in but also yourself.

    Self-discovery and reinvention

    When you are in unfamiliar territory, meeting new people or having new experiences, it is possible that you are discovering your true self or the self you would like to be. Travelling liberates these moments which help you grow as an individual, especially when you are put into situations where you are not able to rely on home comforts. People often experience a type of self-discovery or reinvention while travelling as being removed from our comfort zones often yields extraordinary discoveries!

    World Cultures

    For some travellers, immersing themselves in another culture or including their foods and traditions is an experience like no other. Tasting new dishes or being exposed to new cultural traditions is undoubtedly a great opportunity for anyone, and is the main attraction for most people who travel.

    Cons of Travel
    It can be costly

    Sadly, despite all the positives travel has to offer, its biggest setback is financial. Travel costs add up quickly and a seemingly affordable trip can quickly turn into a large investment when transportation is involved. This usually leads to much of a trip’s budget being spent on just getting there.

    Language barrier

    It’s often advised that having a basic grasp on the local language is essential when travelling abroad. However, in reality, most people simply don’t have the time or dedication to learn a new language. Therefore, travelling abroad becomes a daunting and intimidating task for many who find themselves in a situation where they are simply unable to communicate effectively.

    Being homesick

    No matter how cool or independent you think you are or even if you aren’t that close to your family, it is likely that you’ll still experience homesickness at some point while travelling. You could be missing your parents, siblings, your partner or even just your pets.

    The Verdict

    After looking at this list we think it’s clear the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to travelling. We are sure if you had the chance, you would travel as much of the world as you could; we definitely would anyway. Although the negatives of travelling are real, we feel that the positives travelling provides make these negatives seem insignificant at best. So TRAVEL THE WORLD to your heart’s desire!

    Knowledge Pathways International organises educational day trips to cultural hotspots at affordable prices to help young individuals broaden their horizons alongside other like-minded people, while learning more about different cultures. Our unique trips allow young individuals to develop new skills and gain behind-the-scenes knowledge of different organisations and institutions in a range of locations.
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