Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от terroristmimi1376

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1. The doctor (to examine) the patient at the moment, you should wait for.
2. The patients (to wait) for the doctor now.
3. The doctor (to examine) you tomorrow.
4. The senior nurse (to distribute) the medicines at the hospital?
5. She (not to come) to college next week.
6. I hope the diagnose (to make) by the doctors by the time we come back next day.
7. We (to go) to the hospital now.
8. The bed-patient (to wash) by the nurse now.
9. After you finish this English book, you (to learn) over a thousand new words.
10. When my brother (to break) his leg, my mother (to wonder) what to do.
11. Yesterday when he (to sit) in the room and (to read) a book on medicine, he (to hear) good news about
vaccines on TV.
12. This manipulation (to learn) by him by tomorrow, if he has already begun to study it.
13. A nurse (to bind) her patient, when the ward d doctor (to come).
14. The doctor (to take) the patient's pulse, when the patient's face got pale.
15. The patient's blood pressure (to measure) by the nurse, when the doctor (to come)?
16. The patient (to bind) by a nurse, when the ward doctor (to come).
17. Next Friday at 9 a. m. the dentist (to put) a filling to my tooth.
18. At 9 o'clock tomorrow our ward nurse (to make) injections and (to put) droppers.
19. The surgeon (to finish) an operation by about 8 o'clock tomorrow.
20. I hope I (to finish) my teeth treatment by that time.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny

    1. The doctor (is examining) the patient at the moment, you should wait for.

    2. The patients (are waiting) for the doctor now.

    3. The doctor (will examine) you tomorrow.

    4. Has the senior nurse (distributed) the medicines at the hospital?

    5. She (will not  come) to college next week.

    6. I hope the diagnose (will have been made) by the doctors by the time we come back next day.

    7. We (are going) to the hospital now.

    8. The bed-patient (is being washed) by the nurse now.

    9. After you finish this English book, you (will have learnt) over a thousand new words.

    10. When my brother (had broken) his leg, my mother (was wondering) what to do.

    11. Yesterday when he (was sittin) in the room and ( reading) a book on medicine, he ( heard) good news about vaccines on TV.

    12. This manipulation (will have been learnt) by him by tomorrow, if he has already begun to study it.

    13. A nurse (was binding) her patient, when the ward doctor ( came).

    14. The doctor (was taking) the patient's pulse, when the patient's face got pale.

    15. Was the patient's blood pressure (tbeing measured) by the nurse, when the doctor ( came)?

    16. The patient (was being bound) by a nurse, when the ward doctor (came).

    17. Next Friday at 9 a. m. the dentist (will put) a filling to my tooth.

    18. At 9 o'clock tomorrow our ward nurse (will be making) injections and ( putting) droppers.

    19. The surgeon (will have finished) an operation by about 8 o'clock tomorrow.

    20. I hope I (wil have finished) my teeth treatment by that time.

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