Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Sverona

Express in the passive the second of the following pairs of sentences
Model: He seldom keeps a promise. No one can rely on him
He can't be relied on.

1. The child is very ill. Someone must send for the doctor
2. This old car is in excellent condition. The owner has looked after it well
3. The Prime Minister spoke very long. The people listened to him in complete silence
4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. The doctors and nurses will take good care of her
5. That little boy is very thin and always dirty. No one brings him up properly
6. The new servant girl is always breaking things in the kitchen. Someone should speak to her about her carelessness
7. Shakespeare was born about 400 years ago. People look upon him as the greatest of English poets
8. The thieves broke into the bank at midnight and stole $20.000. No one call for the police until 8 o'clock the next morning

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан mallorka

    The doctor must be sent for.

    It has been looked after well.

    The PM was listened to in complete silence.

    Good care would be taken of her by the doctors and nurses.

    He is not brought up properly.

    She should be spoken about her carelessness.

    Shakespeare is looked upon as the greatest of English poets.

    The police is not called for until 8 o'clock the next morning.

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан vda99

    1. The child is very ill. Someone must send for the doctor

    Someone must be sent for the doctor.

    2. This old car is in excellent condition. The owner has looked after it well

    This old car has been looked after well by its owner.

    3. The Prime Minister spoke very long. The people listened to him in complete silence

    The Prime Minister was listened to in complete silence by the people.

    4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. The doctors and nurses will take good care of her

    She will be taking good care by doctors and nurses.

    5. That little boy is very thin and always dirty. No one brings him up properly.

    The little boy isn't brought up properly.

    6. The new servant girl is always breaking things in the kitchen. Someone should speak to her about her carelessness

    The new servant should be spoken about her carelessness.

    7. Shakespeare was born about 400 years ago. People look upon him as the greatest of English poets

    Shakespeare is looked upon as the greatest of English poets by people.

    8. The thieves broke into the bank at midnight and stole $20.000. No one call for the police until 8 o'clock the next morning

    The bank was broken and It was stolen $ 20.000 by the third thieves. No one is called the police.

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