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The criminal law deals with

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Марусы

    Я думаю ,что так


    The concept of criminal law, its subject and method.

    The system of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. Current criminal law: concept, features, structure.

    Criminal law: concept, structure and types. Types of dispositions and sanctions.

    The procedure for the adoption and entry into force of the criminal law. Loss of legal force by criminal law.

    Time and place of the crimes.

    Reverse force of law: concept, types.

    The action of the criminal law in space.

    Extradition of criminals and granting of the right of asylum.

    The concept of criminal liability, the stages of its implementation.

    Basis of criminal liability.

    The concept of crime and its features.

    Categories of crimes.

    The crime: concept, elements, features. The difference between the corpus delicti and the crime.

    Types of crimes.

    The concept of a minor act, its legal significance. The difference between a minor act of attempted crime.

    The object of the crime. Types of objects "vertical"and " horizontal".

    The object of the crime, its relationship with the object of the crime and its difference from the instruments and means of the crime.

    The concept, content and meaning of the objective side of the crime.

    Criminal act and its forms.

    Action: concept, features, types.

    Inaction: the concept, types, conditions and limits of liability for inaction.

    The consequences of the crime, their classification.

    Causal relationship.

    Optional features of the objective side of the crime and their legal significance.

    The concept and characteristics of the subject of the crime.

    Age as a mandatory feature of the subject of the crime. Rules for determining age.

    Sanity and its criteria.

    Insanity: concept, criteria and legal consequences.

    Age-related insanity.

    Reduced (limited) sanity.

    Special subject and its types.

    The concept, content and meaning of the subjective side of the crime.

    The concept of guilt and its form.

    Intentional form of guilt and its types. Unlike the careless form of guilt.

    The careless form of fault and its types. Contrast to the deliberate form of fault.

    Optional features of the subjective side of the crime and their legal significance.

    Innocent infliction of harm.

    The double form of fault.

    Legal errors, their types and meaning.

    Actual errors, their types and meaning.

    Preparation for a crime and criminal liability for it. Delineation of preparation from detection of intent.

    Attempted crime and its types.

    The concept of a completed crime. Moments of the end of crimes with different designs.

    Voluntary refusal from a crime.

    Features of voluntary refusal of accomplices of crime.

    Active repentance, its difference from voluntary refusal.

    The concept and signs of complicity in the crime.

    Forms and types of complicity.

    Rules of qualification of forms and types of complicity.

    Types of accomplices of a crime.

    Excesses of the artist, his views.

    "Failed" and "unfinished" complicity.

    Self-defense and conditions for its permissibility.

    Imaginary defense, the options of skills.

    Detention of the person who committed the crime and the conditions of its legality.

    The urgency and the conditions for its validity.

    Reasonable risk and the conditions for its validity.

    Physical and mental coercion.

    Execution of an order or instruction.

    The concept and types of a single crime.

    Concept, features and types of multiplicity of crimes.

    The totality of crimes and its types.

    Recidivism and its types.

    Competition of criminal law and its types.

    The concept, characteristics and purpose of the punishment. The difference between punishment and other measures of influence.

    System of penalties.


    Deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. Deprivation of special, military, honorary title, class rank or state awards.

    Mandatory work. Correctional work. Forced labor.

    Restriction of freedom. Arrest.

    Deprivation of liberty and its types.

    Classification of punishments.

    General principles of sentencing.

    Extenuating circumstances.

    The imposition of a more lenient penalty than is provided for by law.

    Sentencing in the pre-trial agreement on cooperation and violation of its terms.

    Aggravating circumstances.

    Features of purpose of punishment for an unfinished crime.

    Circumstances to be considered in determining the sentence of the accomplices in the crime.

    Assignment of punishment on set of crimes.

    Assignment of punishment by accumulation of sentences.

    Suspended sentence.

    Exemption from criminal liability: concept, meaning, types and grounds.

    The Statute of limitations for the prosecution and execution of a conviction.

    Exemption from punishment: concept, meaning, types and grounds.


    Amnesty. Pardon.

    Criminal record. Redemption and discharge of criminal record.

    Compulsory measures of a medical nature.

    Types of penalties imposed on minors.

    The procedure for sentencing minors.

    Compulsory educational measures.

    Confiscation of property

    так или нет

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан aliyushkasafina

    The criminal law deals with offences.


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