Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от valeriyastars

1)Допоможіть будь ласка завданням. Complete the text with the verbs in the correct form. A youth club_(to be) up to provide young people with activities designed to keep them off the streets, and give them a job and an interest in activity. Youth Clubs and Projects_(to be) open to all teenagers and are places where you can go to meet your friends, and learn or try new activities, some of which may completely new to you. You _(to learn) a new skill like music or computing, or possibly plan a trip away. You_(to be) able to relax and listen to music or play games too.
2)Complete the sentences using can or be able to.
1. My brother is good at speaking Arabic, but he _write it.
2. Talk to Annie about your problem. I'm sure she will _ help.
3. She started learning the piano years ago, so she _ play quite well.
4. I'm sorry, but I_come to the cinema with you tonight.
5.Jack_drive quite well, but he hasn't passed his driving test yet.
6.I'd like_ type as fast as you.
7.James _ play the piano very well. It sounds horrible.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан AnnBaranova

    A youth club is up to provide young people with activities designed to keep them off the streets, and give them a job and an interest in activity. Youth Clubs and Projects are open to all teenagers and are places where you can go to meet your friends, and learn or try new activities, some of which may completely new to you. You can learn a new skill like music or computing, or possibly plan a trip away. You are able to relax and listen to music or play games too.  

    1. My brother is good at speaking Arabic, but he can't write it.

    2. Talk to Annie about your problem. I'm sure she will be able to help.

    3. She started learning the piano years ago, so she can play quite well.

4. I'm sorry, but I won't be able come to the cinema with you tonight.

    5. Jack can drive quite well, but he hasn't passed his driving test yet.

    6. I'd like to be able to type as fast as you.

    7. James can't play the piano very well. It sounds horrible.

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