Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от multikonlive

Task 1.For questions 1-10, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. I recognised Paul immediately as he has an unusual _______ of walking.
We had to walk along _______ to the beach after we’d parked the car.
We need to make some changes to the _______ in which we educate our children.
2. The government claimed that its _______ concern was to help the less well off.
Rice has become an extremely valuable _______ commodity in recent years.
The first school young children attend in England is known as a _______ school.
3. A strong magnetic _______ can be created under certain scientific conditions.
We must repair the fence in the _______ behind the farmhouse.
The scientist is well known in the _______ of medicine.
4. All the film reviews I read of Avatar recommended it very _______ indeed.
I know that Peter is _______ articulate, so I can understand why he likes public
Paula’s Strang’s new novel must be one of the most _______ publicised books of all
5. The psychologist asked his young patient to take a sheet of paper and _______ all over
it with coloured pens.
Simon’s father never told us exactly what he did for a job, so as children we could
only _______ the conclusion that he was a spy.
We were not getting anywhere with making a decision, so we decided to _______
a line under the discussion.
6. Years ago, if you came from the wrong kind of _______ , it was impossible to enter some careers.
The painting has an interesting _______ of brightly coloured trees and bushes.
Although the Minister seems to have some support, many of his colleagues prefer to remain in the _______ and keep their opinions to themselves.
7. As the traffic was not heavy, we managed to _______ 200 km in an hour and a half.
The course will _______ all the skills I will need in the future.
The light was so bright that I had to _______ my eyes.
8. When Frank saw Sally’s new car, he was _______ with envy.
The committee is totally against any new building in a _______ belt area.
I obviously haven’t got _______ fingers because I can’t get anything to grow.
9. Could you _______ out how much I owe you?
I can’t get my new camera to _______ properly.
The students felt they would _______ more efficiently if they had their own computers.
10. So what do you ¬_______ of everything going on at the school at the moment?
I’ve been asked to _______ a speech when Anna gets her music prize.
I’d like to _______ a bit more money if I could, because the cost of living is rising all the time.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан leonidkukharev

    1. way 2. basic 3. field 4. highly 5. draw 6 . line 7. cover 8. green 9. work 10. make

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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