Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от vkachalov04

I.Fill in the missing words. There are two words you don’t need to use.

*tutor * *bring up * research *came salary *vet *uniform *prize *sound *freelancer *overtime *deadline

1.Bob hated working in the bank and he … to the conclusion that a desk work wasn’t for him.

2. Ann has worked ….. every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.

3. John has to wear a ….. , there are strict rules in his school.

4.Tony loves working as a ……. because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office every day.

5. The children returned home safe and … after a search team found them in the forest.

6. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel … .

7. I really admire Jane. She could …. two children when her husband had died.

8. Alex has a rough …. to meet so he’s been working during the weekend

9. We shall go to Moscow when my father gets his …. .

10. Pete has got lessons with a … after school because he wants to catch up his classmates in Physics.

II.Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions: in, out, up, round, about, back

Kate passed out after the operation and the doctor brought her …..

We thought that new students would bring ….some changes in our work and daily routine.

John was brought …. in the USA that’s why he can speak English fluently.

He was upset. He lost his job which brought …. 10,000 rubles a month.

We knew that his disk was brought ….last month but we couldn’t get it.

Looking at these pictures brings …. many memories about our childhood.

III.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

Mum was angry because she ……….(CLEAN) the house all morning when the children came in with those muddy shoes.

Tom didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because he … already …. (SEE) the film.

The woman sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He …. never …(FLY) before.

When we got home last night, we found out that somebody ….(BREAK) into the flat.

We ……(PLAY) tennis for half an hour when it started to rain.

I was very tired when I arrived home. I ……(WORK) hard all day.

When I arrived, Kate was angry. She ……..(WAIT) for me for a very long time.

Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He …..(LOOK) for his contact lens for 20 minutes.

At the time the factory was closed, Sarah ….(WORK) there for 5 years.

When Sarah came at the party, Paul …. already ….(GO) home.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Джоффи123


    2. overtime

    3. uniform

    4. freelancer



    7.bring up




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