Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от anastasiya380lake

Твір на англійській мові про мій улюблений вид спорту

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан девочкаксюша

    I like one good proverb: "In sports and journeys men are known." I believe it means that sport which person plays can show who this person is and tell a lot about his inner–world.

    There are so many kinds of sport: football, basketball, and hockey for active team players; ice–skating, running or track and fields for hard–working individuals and even chess and other intellectual kinds of sport. So you only need to find yours.  

    Personally, I think that sport is as important to me as education. I’m convinced that the sound mind is in a sound body. Therefore, I’m trying to keep fit by different means. I like different active team games in summer. I can play beach volleyball or tennis with my friends. In winter I prefer going to the gym or some kinds of winter sports as ice–skating or snowboarding. This is great fun. In spring and autumn when the weather is good I love jogging in the park enjoying the nature around.  

    However, there is one sport that brings me the most of the pleasure. It’s horse–riding. I have been doing this kind of sport for only 2 years, but I’m already quite good at it. There is a small school of horse–riding not far away from the town where I live. There are not many horses, but I need only one. Its nickname is Lucky and I have been riding it since early beginning of my training. I like the coach too. She teaches me to take care of horses and to communicate with them.

    Unfortunately, this kind of sport is expensive and I don’t have an opportunity to do it on a regular basis. Nevertheless, when I’m riding I feel a great influence of this animal. It’s not just a kind of sport but a kind of psychotherapy that gives you spiritual balance.

    So, I can recommend trying this sport for sure, because it’s appropriate for everyone and it’s more than just physical activity.

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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