Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от aseeva28082003

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A. In the next few weeks the government 1)___(launch) a new educational program to attract
attention to green issues. People 2)___(have to) change their lifestyles if they 3)___(want) the
world’s resources to support the growing population in the coming years. Reducing CO2 emissions
is perhaps the world’s biggest problem. CO2 emissions 4)___(come down) if we 5)___(change) our
lifestyles and stop using electricity; if the gadgets we use 6)____(need) energy; or if we 7)____
(find) a way to generate electricity without producing CO2. Well, people 8)____(stop) using
electricity. If anything, in 30 years’ time, they 9)____(use) more. Perhaps in the future, gadgets
10)____ (consume) less energy, but certainly not zero energy. That leaves only one possibility.
Scientists 11) ____(have to) find a way to generate CO2-free electricity. Wind and solar power
are only intermittent energy sources. What miracle invention 12)____(design) by 2050? What
13)___(generate) our electricity in 2050? No one knows, but the miracle 14)____(happen) soon.
B. This Earth Day, we 15)__(gather) students from our neighbourhood to dream our world
green, and 15)___(celebrate) citizens like you! From April 12th until April 26th, we 17)__(share)
stories from eco-heroes in our global network who 18)___(take) a powerful stand for the trees,
giving each and every one of us radical permission to free our love and generosity on behalf of
our global forests.
We also 19)____(come) together in neighbourhood for two live events that 20)___(open) our
hearts to the impact we’re making and reality we are seeding for future generations. These events
are free and open to everyone, as an invitation to join. We hope you 21)___(find) time to come
and 22)____(take) part. The more 23)____(do) the better future 24)____(wait) for us.
Are you ready to take your stand for the trees? Join our Earth Day Celebrations bring your
friends and family! Help dream our world green! The event 25)___(start) at 9 a.m. on Saturday and 26)___(continue) until 4 p.m. on Sunday.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан StefanSazonov

    A. In the next few weeks the government will launch a new educational program to attract attention to green issues. People will have to change their lifestyles if they want the world's resources to support the growing population in the coming years. Reducing CO2 emissions is perhaps the world's biggest problem. CO2 emissions will come down if we will change our lifestyles and stop using electricity; if the gadgets we use won't need energy; or if we will find a way to generate electricity without producing CO2. Well, people won't stop using electricity. If anything in 30 years' time, they will use more. Perhaps in the future, gadgets will consume less energy, but certainly not zero energy. That leaves only one possibility. Scientists will have to find a way to generate CO2-free electricity. Wind and solar power are only intermittent energy sources. What miracle invention will be designed by 2050? What will generate our electricity in 2050? No one knows, but the miracle will happen soon.

    В тексте B. уже пошла какая-то дичь, честно. Не пойму, о чем идёт речь, даже переведя текст.

    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан aseeva28082003
      Боже, спасибо !!!!
    2. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан aseeva28082003
      Вы меня очень выручили )
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