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    Ответ на вопрос дан mellanii03

    1.Christianity - 2.1 billion people -The earliest historical of Christians is given by the historian Tacitus, who writes about them in his Anali.The traditional position is that it was founded by the God-man Jesus Christ, who lived in Palestine at the beginning of the first century. Christianity honors the canon of the Bible as a word inspired by God.

    2.Islam - 1.5 billion people -In literal translation,Islam means obedience. It originated in Arabia at the beginning of the 7th century.The ideas of this religion are initially preached by Mohammed in his hometown of Mecca.

    3.Hinduism - 1 billion people -Hinduism is a religion that is believed by the majority of people in India. It encompasses a wide circle, different from other directions such as folk Hinduism.

    4. Buddhism - 380 million people -It is founder, Siddhartha Gautama, was born in a royal family in India, he lived luxuriously. Today, Buddhism is very diverse and is generally divided into two broad categories - Terravada and Mahayana.

    5. Confucianism - 370 million people -Confucianism originated in China in the 6th-5th centuries. He enters Sanjiao, one of the three major religions in China.From a religious point of view, it has a pantheon of gods, to which is also assigned the Kundze

    6.Sikhism - 28 million people -Sikhism is one of the national religions of India. It originated in the beginning of the XVI century in northern India on the basis of the synthesis of Hinduism and Islam under the conditions of the Delhi Sultanate established in this region.

    7.Judaism - 14 million people -Judaism is the oldest, existing and today, monotheistic religion. Its beginning was put forth more than three thousand years ago by the prophet Abraham.

    8.Baha'i - 7 million people -Bahá'í or Bahá'í faith is a religious doctrine, founded in the 19th century in the region of today's Iran by Persian Baha'u'llah. Confessions are called Bahais, and most of them are in the United States.

    9.Jainism - 5 million people -Jainism is a traditional Dharmic religion that originated in the 6th century. The name comes from the word "gina", which means "winner".

    10.Shintoism - 100 million people -Shinto is a traditional Japanese religion dating back to antiquity. Almost nothing is known. Religion has no founder or sacred books, no strict doctrine.

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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