Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Katushasweet01

Упражнение 4. Перепишите предложения, используя Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
ПРИМЕР. I am writing a letter to my cousin, (already, yesterday).
• I have already written a letter to my cousin.
• I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday.
1. Mother is bringing our tea. (a few minutes ago; not yet)
2. The bell is ringing. (just; some minutes ago)
3. He is going to London in a few days. (already; last week)
4. The boys are playing football in the yard now. (yesterday; many times)
5. Anna is reading a new novel by Chekhov. (this month; last year)
6. Students are cleaning their classrooms. (already; last Saturday)
7. The teacher is explaining a new rule. (just, at the last lesson)
8. Ann is doing the flat. (just; on Friday)
9. They are discussing this plan again. (many times; a few days ago)
10. Granny is making a birthday cake. (just; yesterday)
11. The birds are flying to the South. (already; at the end of August)
12. The train is coming. (just; an hour ago)
13. Who is your friend speaking to? (yesterday, just)
14. We are writing the words from the text. (already, at the last lesson)

* * *

Упражнение 5. Перепишите предложения, используя Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
1. This scientist … (write) a lot of books. He … (write) his first one in 2001.
2. … you … (ever see) a film as good as that?
3. I … (never travel) to the USA. What about you? When … (you go) there?
4. He … (live) in Manchester for eight years, and he wants to move to another place.
5. She … (live) in Manchester for two years, and then in 2003 she … (move) to London.
6. We … (meet) Jane and Alan two years ago. How long … (you know) them?

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан erinel


    1. Mother brought our tea a few minutes ago.

    Mother has not brought our tea yet.

    2. The bell has just rung.

    The bell rang some minutes ago.

    3. He has already gone to London.

    He went to London last week.

    4. The boys played football yesterday.

    The boys have played football many times.

    5. Anna has read a new novel by Chekhov this month.

    Anna read a new novel by Chekhov last year.

    6. Students have already cleaned their classrooms.

    Students cleaned their classrooms last Saturday.

    7. The teacher has just explained a new rule.

    The teacher explained a new rule at the last lesson.

    8. Ann has just done the flat.

    Ann did the flat on Friday.

    9. They have discussed this plan many times.

    They discussed this plan a few days ago.

    10. Granny has just made a birthday cake.

    Granny made a birthday cake yesterday.

    11. The birds flew to the South at the end of August.

    The birds have already flown to the South.

    12. The train has jast come.

    The train came an hour ago.

    13. Who is your friend you have just spoken?

    Who is your friend you spoke yesterday.

    14. We have already written the words from the text.

    We wrote the words from the text at the last lesson.

    Упражнение 5. Перепишите предложения, используя Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

    1. This scientist has written a lot of books. He wrote his first one in 2001.

    2. Have you ever seen a film as good as that?

    3. I have never traveled to the USA. What about you? When did you go there?

    4. He has lived in Manchester for eight years, and he wants to move to another place.

    5. She lived in Manchester for two years, and then in 2003 she moved to London.

    6. We met Jane and Alan two years ago. How long have you known them?


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