Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 07200336

Проверьте на грамотность и ПОСТРОЙКУ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ !!!!!!!!

Dear Tom,
Thanks for you letter. I’m happy to get it. How about reading a book “Fathers and children” with your friends? This my favorite book!
I am going to write a few words about a book l have recently read. The book is written by the well-known Russian writer of the xlx the century Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The title of the book is Father and children. It is a novel. The plot of the book is incredibly interesting and exciting. The book tells us about Bazarov who falls in love with Anna Odintsova and tells her about her feelings. There is a duel between Bazarov and his friend. Then Bazarov moves to live with his parents, where he helps his father treat patients. There are some humorous funny and sad episodes in the book. To cut a long story short Bazorov becomes infected with typhoid and dies
On the whole the book is good. I advise you to read it with friends.

Well,I hope you enjoy this book. Write and tell me what you thought!
Best Wishes,

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан ylika909099


    Dear Tom,

    Thanks for you letter. I’m happy to get it. How about reading a book “Fathers and children” with your friends? This my favorite book!

    I am going to write a few words about a book l have recently read. The book is written by the well-known Russian writer of the xlx the century Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The title of the book is Father and children. It is a novel. The plot of the book is incredibly interesting and exciting. The book tells us about Bazarov who falls in love with Anna Odintsova and tells her about her feelings. There is a duel between Bazarov and his friend. Then Bazarov moves to live with his parents, where he helps his father treat patients. There are some humorous funny and sad episodes in the book. To cut a long story short Bazorov becomes infected with typhoid and dies

    On the whole the book is good. I advise you to read it with friends.

    Well,I hope you enjoy this book. Write and tell me what you thought!

    Best Wishes,


    я проверила все вроде как правильно только Bazarov слишком часто звучит

    а так текст хороший


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