Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от elit26088989
переведите пожалуйста “The next day he went to the dentist. Dr Raven was the best dentist in the forest. Mr Owl came to his office in the tree. There he saw Dr Raven, doing Mrs Duck's teeth. She looked very miserable1. At first, Mr Owl wanted to go home but then he sat down, put on2 his glasses and began to read one of Dr Raven's magazines. Five minutes later Mrs Duck got out of the chair, and Dr Raven said, 'I'm ready for you now, Mr Owl.' So Mr Owl got into Dr Raven's chair and opened his mouth. 'Open wide3,' said Dr Raven. Mr Owl opened his mouth as wide as he could, and Dr Raven looked at his teeth, one by one. When he touched one of the back teeth, Mr Owl cried, 'That's my sore tooth, and you're hurting it terribly!'