Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от katyshatenkova

Task 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form of the past (the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense).
1. People from different countries ________ (to come) to the New World for more than one hundred years before the colonies ______ (to start) the war for their independence.
2. The first settlers _______ (to arrive) in the unknown lands, _______ (to build) some dwellings and _______ (to try) to assimilate there but most of them _______ (not / to adapt) to such harsh conditions and _______ (to die) from different disease, cold or starvation.
3. The slaves _______ (to work) at their owners’ plantations all day long without much rest. Even a child _______ (to do) some job during for several hours a day.
4. Some tribes ______ (not / to trade) with settlers even though they _______ (to be) just common people without guns who ______ (to hunt) for the riches of the New World.
5. The first colony _______ (to discuss) its participation in the Commonwealth with Britain for three years before people ______ (to start) talking about independence.
6. Columbus _________ (not / to land) the future states, he _______ (to stay) at the Caribbean Islands during his trip to North America.
7. The colonies’ governors ________ (to establish) the local constitution and _______ (to define) the taxes. Each colony _______ (to gain) the control over its land little by little day by day and the colonies policies _______ (to become) stronger and stronger.
8. James Fennimore Cooper ______ (to write) his novel “The Last of the Mohicans” in 1826 about the period when French _______ (to fight) with Indians.

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    Task 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form of the past (the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense).

    1. People from different countries ________ (were coming) to the New World for more than one hundred years before the colonies ______ (started) the war for their independence.

    2. The first settlers _______ ( arrived) in the unknown lands, _______ (built) some dwellings and _______ (tried) to assimilate there but most of them _______ (did not  adapt) to such harsh conditions and _______ ( died) from different disease, cold or starvation.

    3. The slaves _______ (were working) at their owners’ plantations all day long without much rest. Even a child _______ (was doing) some job during for several hours a day.

    4. Some tribes ______ (did not trade) with settlers even though they _______ (were) just common people without guns who ______ (were hunting) for the riches of the New World.

    5. The first colony _______ (was discussing) its participation in the Commonwealth with Britain for three years before people ______ (started) talking about independence.

    6. Columbus _________ (did not  land) the future states, he _______ (stayed) at the Caribbean Islands during his trip to North America.

    7. The colonies’ governors ________ (established) the local constitution and _______ (defined) the taxes. Each colony _______ (was gaining) the control over its land little by little day by day and the colonies policies _______ (were becoming) stronger and stronger.

    8. James Fennimore Cooper ______ ( wrote) his novel “The Last of the Mohicans” in 1826 about the period when French _______ (were fighting) with Indians.

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