Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 201915a

How do you pronounce the underlined letters? Use the index to help you.
1 global Is it like go or got? go 4 drought Is it like no or now?
2 flood Is it like foot or fun? 5 suffer Is it like son or soon?
3 fuel Is it like food or few? 6 climate Is it like educate or comfortable?
58.2 Match the words on the left with the words on the right.
1 the greenhouse c a warming
2 global b change
3 fossil c effect
4 greenhouse d fuels
5 climate e gases
58.3 How can we help with global warming? Cover the opposite page and complete the text.
• Don’t 1 throw away paper, glass and plastic; 2
• Don’t 3 water: turn off the 4 when you brush your teeth.

energy by
6 off lights when you leave a room.

trees in order to
the amount of carbon dioxide.

action now, before it’s too late.
58.4 Complete the explanations.
1 We don’t have to create greenhouse gases; they exist naturally.
2 Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere the greenhouse effect.
3 Global warming is the of an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases.
4 Two of climate change have been hotter summers and wetter winters.
5 A is often the result of too much rain when the rivers are full.
6 A is a long period without rain, and they are more frequently
7 The is the air, land and water around us.
8 If you something, it is so badly damaged, it cannot be used again.
9 If something is , it works well and doesn’t waste energy.
10 is the power that comes from gas, electricity, etc.
58.5 Complete the tables. Use a dictionary to help you.
verb noun verb noun
recycle recycling solution
waste reduce
destroy support
exist suffer
58.6 Over to you
Answer the questions. If possible, talk to someone else about the problems.
1 Can you see the effects of global warming and climate change in your country? What do you see?
2 What things do people recycle every week?
3 Do you think you often waste water and energy? How?
4 What more could you do to solve the problem? Does it worry you?

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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