Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от cta9cta9

Прошу помощи в решении кроссворда по англ. языку. Баллами не обижу как видите, тот кто решит накину ему доп. баллы как за лучший ответ. Так же тут есть вокабуляр к кроссворду

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny


    a shop = a store (AE)

    a shopping centre/center(AE) - a mall (AE)

    a chain store

    a supermarket

    a department store

    a stall = a stand (AE)

    a kiosk

    - dairy products

    a butcher's/ a butcher shop

    a grocer's/a grocery store (AE)

    a baker's/ a bakery

    a florist's

    a fishmonger's

    a confectioner's/a confectionery/ a sweet-shop

    a greengrocer's/a greengrocery

    an off-licence = a liquor store (AE)

    a tobacconist's

    a chemist's = a drugstore/a pharmacy (AE)

    a newsagent's

    a boutique

    a gift shop

    a bookshop = a bookstore (AE)

    a hardware shop

    an antique shop

    - footwear

    - perfumery & toiletries

    - household goods

    - hosiery

    - souvenirs

    - jewellery/ jewelry (AE)

    a stationer's/ stationery

    - electric appliances

    - sportswear = sporting goods (AE)

    - pottery (ceramics)

    - glassware

    - silverware

    9 Do the crossword. Can You Recognise the Shops?

    1) In this shop you can choose different sorts of glass containers for wine, cognac, brandy and other beverages. an off-licence = a liquor store (AE)

    2) If you don't want to spend hours fishing, it's better for you to go to this shop. a fishmonger's

    3) Kiwi, mango, peaches, avocados, parsley, lettuce: where do you go to buy all that? a greengrocer's/a greengrocery

    4) Is your favorite pastime gardening? Then you will find all the tools you may possibly need at this shop. a hardware shop

    5) Want to make a birthday cake? You'll find everything (or almost everything!) you need here! - household goods

    6) Here you can buy sports newspapers for your dad, fashion magazines for your mom and some postcards to send to a friend. a newsagent's

    7) If you are eager to read this year's #I bestseller you'd better drop in this shop, a bookshop = a bookstore (AE)

    8) Why go hunting? You can buy pork, veal, lamb, beaf, mutton and more at this kind of shop. a butcher's/ a butcher shop

    9) The shop where products that often cause lung cancer are sold. a tobacconist's

    10) A very large shop. a shopping centre/center(AE) - a mall (AE)

    11) You are planning to spend your Christmas holidays in the Alps skiing? Then go to this shop and get all the necessary gear. - sportswear = sporting goods (AE)

    12) You can shop here only if you are of age. an off-licence = a liquor store (AE)

    13) If you have a sweet tooth this shop is for you. a confectionery/ a sweet-shop

    14) The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc, a chemist's = a drugstore/a pharmacy (AE)

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