Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от zhamalzholtabar

1. We … compete with many foreign companies. 2. He is so lazy. I don’t think he will … perform this task. 3. You … carry out a detailed investigation. 4. All the employees … attend annual meetings. 5. We … agree to this price. It is too high. 6. They will … sign an important contract in a week. 7. They … buy new office equipment last month but they didn’t do it. 8. A good Sales Manager … know the market very well. 9. He will … make a deal with them tomorrow. 10.As he doesn’t have much experience we will … take him on trial.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny

    1. We have to compete with many foreign companies.

    2. He is so lazy. I don’t think he will be able to perform this task.

    3. You must carry out a detailed investigation.

    4. All the employees must attend annual meetings.

    5. We cannot agree to this price. It is too high.

    6. They will be able to sign an important contract in a week.

    7. They were to buy new office equipment last month but they didn’t do it.

    8. A good Sales Manager should know the market very well.

    9. He will be able to make a deal with them tomorrow.

    10. As he doesn’t have much experience we will have to take him on trial.

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан MissMira8


    1. We have to compete with many foreign companies.

    2. He is so lazy. I don’t think he will be able to perform this task.

    3. You must carry out a detailed investigation.

    4. All the employees must attend annual meetings.

    5. We cannot agree to this price. It is too high.

    6. They will be able to sign an important contract in a week.

    7. They were to buy new office equipment last month but they didn’t do it.

    8. A good Sales Manager should know the market very well.

    9. He will be able to make a deal with them tomorrow.

    10. As he doesn’t have much experience we will have to take him on trial.

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