Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от solinoelena

Английский язык помогите пожалуйста

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан MagicaeTalarium



    1. The winds influence the climate of the country.

       Do the winds influence the climate of the country? - Yes, they do.

       The winds influence the climate of the country, don't they? - Yes, they do.

    2. Many people work in the City.

       Do many people work in the City? - Yes, they do.

       Many people work in the City, don't they? - Yes, they do.

    3. Some people speak their mother tongue.

       Do some people speak their mother tongue? - Yes, they do.

       Some people speak their mother tongue, don't they? - Yes, they do.

    4. The English people name their national flag "the Union Jack".

        Do the English people name their national flag "the Union Jack"? - Yes,    they do.

        The English people name their national flag "the Union Jack", don't they? - Yes, they do.

    5. You live in the capital.

        Do you live in the capital? - Yes, I do.

        You live in the capital, don't you? - Yes, I do.


    1. He will spend his free time in the park.

      Will he spend his free time in the park? - Yes, he will.

      He will spend his free time in the park, won't he? - Yes, he will.

    2. They will leave the City in an hour.

       Will they leave the City in an hour? - Yes, they will.

       They will leave the City in an hour, won't they? - Yes, they will.

    3.  This country will succeed in commerce.

        Will this country succeed in commerce? - Yes, it will.

        This country will succeed in commerce, won't it? - Yes, it will.

    4. She will spend her money in the West End.

       Will she spend her money in the West End? - Yes, she will.

       She will spend her money in the West End, won't she? - Yes, she will.

    5. The snow will melt.

        Will the snow melt? - Yes, it will.

        The snow will melt, won't it? - Yes, it will.


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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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