Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от jjfgfhkkhtugf

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  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан meniabloknyli



    A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.

    • polluted  • swept  • affect  • poverty  • save  • habitat  • hunting  • lay  • suffers  • raises

    1 Don’t swim in the lake; it’s very ………polluted……….. .

    2 It’s against the law to go ..........hunting............................ for animals without a licence.

    3  Millions of people live in ……poverty………….. in Africa.

    4 Doctors people’s lives every day.

    5 This city …suffers…………….. from floods every year.

    6 The charity …raises…………….. money to help poor families in Africa.

    7 The observation team monitors animals in their natural …habitat……………..  

    8 Sea turtles usually ......lay............................ their eggs at night.

    9 Hurricanes ...........affect........................... millions of people every year.

    10  The storm caused landslides which …swept…………….. houses out to sea.

    B Choose the correct item.

    1 Our class makes a donation to a local charity every year.

    2  The volunteer team helped search for survivors after the earthquake.

    3 Karin supports many issues, including fighting poverty.

    4 The charity event takes place once a year.

    5 He promised the locals to help clean the neighbourhood.

    6 Paul had a steep fall and broke his leg.


    C Choose the correct item.


    1 The tornado ....B.... some houses in town last week.

     A has destroyed  

     B destroyed

     C has been destroying

    2 Peter has ...C..... published his third novel.

     A yet B for  C just

    3 Have you ever ....B.... to Australia?

     A go B gone C been

    4 Trevor has ...B..... climbed a mountain.

     A ever B never C yet

    5 If their team ...A..... better, they would have won the game.

     A had played

     B will play

     C would play

    6 They haven’t been abroad ..B...... years.

     A yet B for  C since

    7 Martha ...A..... as a volunteer since 2010.

     A has been working

     B was working

     C worked

    8 Molly ....C.... to Cameroon last year.

     A has travelled

     B was travelling

     C travelled

    9 I wish I ....C.... enough money to go on holiday next month.

     A had  B had had  

     C have

    10 Last weekend, we ...C..... around the campfire and sang songs.

     A sat

     B have sat

     C were sitting

    11 Tony couldn’t walk because he ...A..... his ankle.

     A has twisted

     B had twisted

     C have twisted

    12 Jack isn’t here. He ..B...... skateboarding.

     A has gone B has been going

     C has been

    13 Laura ...C..... in Pakistan since 2008.

     A was living   B lived   C has lived

    14 I wish it ..A...... so much yesterday.

     A didn’t rain

     B hadn’t rained

     C hasn’t rained

    15 If I ...B..... the lottery, I would donate some money to charity.

     A had won  B won C win  


    D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).



                                       тут типа текст должен быть

    1 Scott left New York City because he wanted to change jobs. F  

    2 Mercy Ships is a charity hospital in Liberia, Africa.  T  

    3 Doctors and staff don’t get paid on Mercy Ships.  T  

    4 Scott volunteered as a doctor on a floating hospital. F  

    5 Unsafe water caused many of the illnesses of Mercy Ships’ patients. T  

    6 “Charity: water’s” first project was in Uganda. T  

    7 17 million people now receive clean water from Scott’s charity. F  

    Everyday English

    E Choose the correct response.

    1 What are you doing?

    2 Would you mind helping me?

    3 What time?

    4 Can I give you a hand?

    5 Around six would be great.  A Of course not!

    B At five o’clock.

    C Actually, I’ve nearly finished.

    D OK, see you tomorrow.

    E I’m just collecting donations.

    1 ……E………  2 ……C………  3 ……B………  4 …A…………  5 ……D………

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