Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от sheremetova99

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. The movie … (to begin) at 7.30.

2. It … (to happen) a long time ago.

3. Mrs. Smith ... (to spend) her last weekend gardening.

4. My wife … (to buy) a pair of shoes the day before yesterday.

5. I ... (to think) the test would be easier.

6. He ... (to meet) the new student last week.

7. I ... (to forget) the meaning of that word.

8. My brother … (to enter) the Law faculty last year.

9. My brother … (to enter) the Law faculty last year.

10. My relatives ... (to drive) to the Crimea last summer.

11. In the morning I … (to do) a lot of paper work.

12. The weather … (to be) very cold yesterday.

13. He … (to go) to school on foot yesterday.

14. I … (to have) a nice holiday last year.

15. The weather is fine today, but it … (to rain) yesterday.

16. Robert ... (to miss) many lectures in October.

17. Ted … (to pass) his exams a week ago.

18. ... you (to get up) at 6 a.m. yesterday?

19. My sister ... (to wake up) late on Sunday.

20. The teacher ... (not to repeat) the question for the student.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nunny

    Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

    1. The movie … ( began) at 7.30.

    2. It … ( happened) a long time ago.

    3. Mrs. Smith ... ( spent) her last weekend gardening.

    4. My wife … ( bought) a pair of shoes the day before yesterday.

    5. I ... ( thought) the test would be easier.

    6. He ... ( met) the new student last week.

    7. I ... ( forgot) the meaning of that word.

    8. My brother … ( entered) the Law faculty last year.

    9. My brother … (entered) the Law faculty last year.

    10. My relatives ... (drove) to the Crimea last summer.

    11. In the morning I … ( did) a lot of paper work.

    12. The weather … ( was) very cold yesterday.

    13. He … (went) to school on foot yesterday.

    14. I … (had) a nice holiday last year.

    15. The weather is fine today, but it … ( rained) yesterday.

    16. Robert ... (missed) many lectures in October.

    17. Ted … ( passed) his exams a week ago.

    18. Did you ( get up) at 6 a.m. yesterday?

    19. My sister ... ( wake up) late on Sunday.

    20. The teacher ... (did not  repeat) the question for the student.

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