Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от artemazaza1911

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(Present Indefinite или Present Continuous).

5. I can’t stand her! She .................... (constantly, to throw) her things about the room. She never
.................... (to put) anything in its place.
6. .................... (you, to see) the notice? — Yes, but it’s too high for me to read. What ....................
(it, to say)?
7. Has he agreed to your offer? — No, he .................... (still, to think) it over.
8. Why, Peter, you .................... (to smoke)!!! — .................... (you, not to know) that I ....................
(to smoke)?
9. You .................... (to taste) the pizza over and over again. Is anything wrong? — Oh no, on the
contrary, it .................... (to taste) so delicious that I just can’t help it.
10. Where is Mr. Brown? — He .................... (to have) lunch at the canteen as usual. He usually
.................... (to return) to his office at half past one.
11. I .................... (to need) your help immediately. There’s something wrong with my dog. He
.................... (to have) a temperature and he .................... (hardly, to breathe)!
12. He .................... (to come) back from his business trip in a few days. .................... (you, to know)
it for sure? — Of course, I do. He always .................... (to call) me every other day.
13. These shoes are too tight. — Then why .................... (you, to put) them on again? — They
.................... (to look) so wonderful and besides they .................... (to match) my dress.
14. You .................... (to read) in the dark again! — But I .................... (not, to believe) it’s dark.
I .................... (to see) everything well enough.
15. Jack and Pam ........... (to have) a long conversation. I wonder what they ............... (to talk) about.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан anasskib08


    5. I can’t stand her! She constantly throws her things about the room. She never  puts anything in its place.

    6.have you seen the notice? — Yes, but it’s too high for me to read. What does it say?

    7. Has he agreed to your offer? — No, he is still thinking it over.

    8. Why, Peter, you smoke!!! — you don't know that I smoke?

    9. You are tasting the pizza over and over again. Is anything wrong? — Oh no, on the  contrary, it tastes so delicious that I just can’t help it.

    10. Where is Mr. Brown? — He is having lunch at the canteen as usual. He usually  returns to his office at half past one.

    11. I need your help immediately. There’s something wrong with my dog. He

    has a temperature and he hardly breathes!

    12. He is coming back from his business trip in a few days. you know it for sure? — Of course, I do. He always calls me every other day.

    13. These shoes are too tight. — Then why are you putting them on again? — They  look so wonderful and besides they match my dress.

    14. You are reading in the dark again! — But I don't believe it’s dark.  I see everything well enough.

    15. Jack and Pam are having a long conversation. I wonder what they are talking about.


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