Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от danetdebil

I. Выберите правильный вариант.
1) This is (the slowest / the most slow / the slower) bus in the world!
2) (The enjoyablest / The most enjoyable / The more enjoyable) lesson of the week is English.
3) My mum is (the best / the goodest / the most good) cook in the world.
4) Whose pen is this? It’s Trevor’s. It’s (he / him / his).
5) Whose house is this? It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s (theirs / their / they).
6) Jane has got (much / few / little) free time. She is very busy.
7) He didn’t eat (much / many / few) meat.
8) How (many / much / little) friends have you got?
Задания на 2 балла
II. Задайте разделительный вопрос.
9) I’m busy, ___________________________________?
10) You’re Vicky, _______________________________?
11) John goes to school every day, __________________?
12) Moscow is the capital of Russia, _______________?
13) My friend won’t be there, _______________?
Измените глагол в нужную форму Past Simple или Past Continuous.
14) When I ____________________ (get) up, it ____________________ (rain) in the morning.
15) They ____________________ (read) a book when I ____________________ (come) in.
Измените глагол в нужную форму Future Simple или Present Continuous.
16) Tomorrow I ____________________ (meet) my mum after school.
17) There ____________________ (be) flying cars in the future.
Запишите предложения в косвенной речи.
18) Jack says, “I enjoy swimming.”
19) Rachel says, “I have got three dogs.”

Задания на 3 балла
III. Составьте предложения в Past Simple, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.
20) I (never, see) this film.
21) Last year we (go) to Spain.
22) She (read) the book since half past two.
23) He (just, come) home.
24) They (visit) their grandmother two weeks ago.
25) When (you, come) home yesterday?

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан kansai002

    1) This is the slowest bus in the world!

    2) The most enjoable lesson of the week is English.

    3) My mom is the best cook in the world.

    4) Whose pen is this? It's Trevor's. It's him.

    5)  Whose house is this& It's Jack and Jill's. It's theirs.

    6) Jane has got little free time. She's very busy.

    7) He didn't eat much meat.

    8) How many friends have you got?

    9) I'm busy, do you?

    10) You're Vicky, isn't it?

    11) John goes to school every day, is  he?

    12) Moscow is the capital of Russia, isn't it?

    13) My friend won't be there, isn't it?

    14) When i get up, it's raining in the morning.

    15) They're raeding a book when i come in.

    16) Tomorrow I wiil meet my mum after school.

    17) There will be flying cars in the future.

    18) Jack says, that he enjoys swimming

    19) Rachel says, that she has three dogs.

    20) I have never seen this film.

    21) Last year we went to Spain.

    22) She has read the book since half past two.

    23) He's just coming home.

    24) They visited their grandmother two weeks ago.

    25) When did you come home yesterday?

    вроде так

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