Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от zaporojanulyana
50 баллов!!! помогите пожалуйста дайте открытый ответ на вопрос на англ по тексту! текст на фото. очень прошу, пожалуйста 1. What is this story about? 2. The narrator turned off the road to visit his niece, didn’t he? 3. What was that school like? 4. Were there many children around? 5. What was odd for the narrator in late November? 6. Who was coming down the stairs? 7. How did she meet him? 8. What did the Headmistress say? 9. What can you say about your school? 10. What would you like to change in your school?