Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Laziz2004

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Нужен текст про зоопарк

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан bihurkarina9


    Last weekend, my parents and I went to the zoo. I have been waiting for this day all week. There was wonderful autumn weather outside, a warm sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing. Everyone was in a great mood. At the entrance to the zoo, we bought tickets, various goodies for animals and went inside.

    Our trip began with an inspection of the enclosures with wolves. Some of them walked around the cage and scorched their sharp fangs. Others were asleep and did not react to us in any way. Having stood a little at their enclosures, we went on. There are a lot of animals in our zoo and I eagerly wanted to see everyone.

    Most of all I like to watch monkeys and big gorillas. Cells with them always have a lot of visitors.These are very funny and funny animals. They make loud screams, make funny faces, and ask for food all the time. Someone from the crowd threw a candy to a monkey. She hastily began to unfold it and in a minute she asked for a new one.

    Near the monkeys are cages with birds. Each bird has its own color. Some are bright, large, others are gray and completely inconspicuous. There are even birds of prey with powerful claws and a large beak. Of the birds, I like peacocks the most. Especially when they fluff up their beautiful tail.

    The longest we stayed at the hedge with deer. They gladly ate carrots and apples from their hands. An adult deer with large, branched horns all the time tried to drive away the little ones.

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    Они уходили, но снова возвращались за своей порцией еды. Им очень понравились яблоки. Еще мы кормили верблюдов, лошадок, ламу, ослика, кроликов, морских свинок и хомяков.

    В зоопарке мы провели почти весь день. На выходе нам предложили сделать памятное фото с обезьянкой. Мы с удовольствием согласились. Я очень люблю ходить в зоопарк и кормить там животных. Буду с нетерпением ждать следующего похода в зоопарк

    Oni ukhodili, no snova vozvrashchalis' za svoyey portsiyey yedy. Im ochen' ponravilis' yabloki. Yeshche my kormili verblyudov, loshadok, lamu, oslika, krolikov, morskikh svinok i khomyakov.

    V zooparke my proveli pochti ves' den'. Na vykhode nam predlozhili sdelat' pamyatnoye foto s obez'yankoy. My s udovol'stviyem soglasilis'. YA ochen' lyublyu khodit' v zoopark i kormit' tam zhivotnykh. Budu s neterpeniyem zhdat' sleduyushchego pokhoda v zoopark

    They left, but returned again for their portion of food. They really liked the apples. We also fed camels, horses, a llama, a donkey, rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.

    We spent almost the whole day at the zoo. At the exit, we were offered to make a memorable photo with a monkey. We agreed with pleasure. I really like to go to the zoo and feed the animals there. I will look forward to the next trip to the zoo

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан valeriavallit87

    В моем городе есть замечательный зоопарк. Когда я была маленькой родители часто приводили меня посмотреть на животных, которые там обитают. Например:на тигров, слонов, медведей, обезьян и многих других животных. Там очень интересно и мне нравится проводить там время.

    There is a wonderful zoo in my city. When I was a little parent often led me to look at the animals that live there. For example: tigers, elephants, bears, monkeys and many other animals. It’s very interesting there and I like to spend time there.

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