Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от anastasiasorokina723
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме инфинитива с частицей to или без нее.
1. The doctor forbade him ..................................... (smoke).
2. You’d better ......................................... (help) them now.
3. Make him ................................................. (clean) the flat.
4. He failed .................................... (get) Sam on the phone.
5. I can’t let you ........................................ (go) there alone.
6. The child was made .............................. (learn) the poem.
7. He refused .............................................. (work) with us.
8. I advise you ..................................... (visit) this exhibition.
9. Jack decided .............................. (not, answer) the letter.
10. The man was made ................................... (pay) the fine.