Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Nastya171167
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2. If the ...surface is fairly old and extremely slick, make
a mixture of water and alcohol to brighten the surface.
3. ...also refers to a system of pipes and fixtures installed
in a building for the distribution of potable water and the removal
of waterborne wastes.
4. Materials for … interior electrical systems in buildings vary
depending on type of occupancy and size of the building.
5. Modern construction techniques now rarely use wood
building frames and solid … are used almost exclusively for their
6. This spot of … has spoiled the whole appearance.
7. He was a good friend, a... companion.
8. You must not use detergents that contain soap as well as you
must not … the surface with the substances covering the surface
(wax, polymer, etc. ).