Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Help000000000me
1.Выберите подходящее слово
airplane rocks wind mountain rope wire water
1) Skydiving is a sport involving a skydiver to jump down from an ________ while it is flying and parachuting to the ground.
2) Rock climbing is an activity in which people climb up, down, or across the ______________.
3) Kitesurfing is the sport of riding on a modified surfboard while holding on to a specially designed kite, using the_______ power.
4) Tightrope walking is the art of walking along a thin _____, usually at a great height.
2. Выберите вид спорта согласно ситуации.
1) The air smells clean and fresh. I feel excited. ( trekking/ rafting)
2) The water is so cold and the stream is so fast! ( skydiving/ rafrting)
3) This mountain is so high. Not sure I can get to the top of it.( kitesurfing/ rock climbing)
4) My backpack is so heavy! ( trekking/ tightrope walking)
3. Подберите подходящий ответ на утверждения
1. I'm feeling better now.
A Thank you very much!
2. You’re looking terrible.
B That’s great!
3. Does your arm hurt?
C What’s happened?
4. It hurts!
D It hurts really bad.
5. Get well!
E I’m not feeling very well at all.
4.Выберите подходящее слово
1) Skydiving is (accidentally/ obviously) a dangerous kind of sport.
2) My sister (accidentally/ obviously) hit me in the eye with her hand.
3) You ( clearly/ dangerously) don't understand how risky it is!
4) I always wanted to try a(n) ( extreme/ risky) sport.